
I'll meet you at 3pm.

Assignment :

Type : Combative dialogue
Setting : Playground
Characters : Two boys
Rules : No punches, just put downs. Clever = better.

Begin to rip each other apart in the comments.

1 comment:

Wally said...

J : "Here it is."
D : "I expected a bit more but I was ready to work with whatever you gave me."
J : "Since they'll be nothing coming from you, I've prepared a scintillating monologue."
D : "The same drivel coming from your tongue that skins our ears every day scintillates only into your eyes, blinding you from your dismal social ineptitude."
J : "My ears burn hotter than any fire that's crossed your ash pile of a body."
D : "That burning feeling is called shame. Perhaps you've finally noticed your own lame."
J : "It's more of a universal doubt directed towards the future of humanity knowing that you are one of it's progeny."
D : "That's pronounced prodigy and your lack of knowing stems from what is called ignorance. I can show it to you in the faces of your mother and father, if you like."
J : "OH THAT'S IT! Nobody talks about my parents like that!"