
Page 12

A foot wakes her.  She uncurls quickly, popping up to a standing position.  The street lamps reveal a familiar young face.
“I saw you walking in the crowd.”
The girl says nothing but raises a hand up, closes it in a fist and moves it in the air like she is knocking on an imaginary door.
“At the fight, I saw you walking.  You a pick pocket or something?”
The girl watches her face intently.  “I'm a scavenger.  Name is Kinzie.”  Her voice is monotone and muffled.  Her hands dance as she talks.
“I'm Elle.”  She looks at Kinzie’s boots.
“Jealous?”  Kinzie smiles.  “I see you lost yours.”  She continues pointing and gesturing elaborately.
“Are you deaf?”  Elle points at her.
Kinzie signs /Yes/ again, the fist knocking on the imaginary door.
“You deaf?”  Kinzie smiles as she signs and talks.
Elle laughs.  “No.”
“Well when you sleep - you might as well be.”  Kinzie laughs, closes her eyes and pretends to be asleep, pushing a little bit of drool out of the side of her mouth.  “Being that deaf will get you killed.  Or maybe more than your shoes taken.”  She keeps signing as she talks.  “Where you from?”
Elle inhales.  Holds her breath.  Exhales quickly.  “I don't know.”
“The hell?”  Kinzie growls.  “How can you not know where you are from?  Not deaf.  Maybe stupid?”  She bonks her head with a closed hand as she says the word stupid.
Elle imitates the action.  /Stupid./  “No.  I don't know.  Don't know where I'm from.”
Kinzie looks at her.  “Can't remember?”
“Can't remember.”  She tries imitating the signs.

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