
You know, the stuff you eat

Cedric and Kinzie start signing again, this time peering into the bags of gear that were scavenged early today.  Money changes hands.  Elle stands, breathing.
Kinzie grabs Elle’s hand and leads her out of the store.  They walk through the city together, taking main roads again.
“Time for food.”  Kinzie turns, signs and talks at Elle.
“Food?”  Elle blinks.
Kinzie stops and laughs.  “Yeah.  It helps me think more clearly.  Thinking clearly helps keep me alive.  Staying alive beats the alternative.”
“Why did you save some of the salvage?”  Elle asks.
“You noticed that?  I'll get a better price at the market for that stuff I saved than Cedrick could give me.”
Elle nods.
They stop at a food stall.  Kinzie orders them food.  The whole time, the man behind the counter is smirking at them.
They sit down on a set of stairs and eat.  “This food is amazing!”  Elle exclaims.
“That's because you're hungry.”
Elle shakes her head.  /No./  She signs while chewing.  “No.  It's not just that.  It's amazing.”
Kinzie shrugs.  “Food helps me think clearly.  Great food turns my thoughts into swords.”

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