
Don't choke the spike!

Inky's left sleeve is turning red.  Bull charges again, this time swinging his fists.  Your brother ducks, wraps his arms around Bull’s legs and slams his shoulder to his opponent's stomach.  With no pause, he yanks hard at the back of Bull's knees, taking his feet off the ground.  As the bigger man falls, he grabs at a stray dread lock of Inky's hair and pulls him down on top of himself.
You rise up off your knee with a grunt.  Spotting the unused wood pile, you grab a wrist thick stick and hustle over to the fight.  Waiting for an untangled moment when you can discern friend from foe in the scramble, you crack Bull over the head with the stick, breaking the skin.  He yelps and disengages, scrambling to his feet.  Inky steps back.  Blood pours down the back of Bull's head, pooling into the collar of his jacket.  His eyes bounce arrhythmically.  The wind changes directions and the smoke from the fire blows into your face, causing your eyes to water.

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