
Page 16

“How'd you sleep?”  Elle sets down the book she was skimming.
“With my eyes closed.  And you?”
“Funny dreams.”
“Ha ha funny or weird funny?”
“Weird funny.  Creepy funny, really.”
“Headless corpses kinda creepy?”
“No.  White empty hallways are all I remember.  Lonely empty.  Like I was the only one there.  If I was there are all.  Maybe I was just seeing them - not walking through them.”
“Best advice my mom ever gave me was to ignore my dreams.  Night time brain vomit is what she called them.”  Kinzie smiled.  “Wanna go over the alphabet?”
Elle nods.  They sign and eat bread.
“You can chew and sign at the same time.”  Elle rubs her forehead.
“Amazing stuff, right?”
Kinzie starts packing up a bag.
“Where are we going?”  Elle gestures at the bag.
“What?  I wasn't looking at you.”  Kinzie points at her ear and makes a gesture like a bomb going off.  “I'm still deaf, right?”
“Where are we going?”
“Okay.  So when we met and I told you I couldn't remember where I was from, you said ‘this again’.  Why did you say that?”
“Because I met a girl just like you two years ago.” Kinzie closes her bag and hands an empty bag to Elle.  “Here, carry this.”

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