
Page 17

“You can't say something like that and not explain it.”  Elle says.
Kinzie has already turned and is opening the door
They exit the apartment the same way they came in - except they use a ladder to reach the window.
Kinzie leads them through the city, using mostly empty alleys and side streets.  When they stop, Elle immediately aps Kinzie on the shoulder.
“What girl did you meet two years ago?”
Elle shrugs and starts signing. “Probably met lots of different girls two years ago.  Which one?”
“You said… You said you met a girl just like me two years ago.”
“No.  I said I met a girl with the same story as you two years ago.”  Elle looks around and then points at a dumpster.  “See that dumpster?  You watch the street for any purple shirts and let me know if they show.”  Elle hands Kinzie a rock.  “Throw this at the dumpster if you see one.”
Elle runs towards the dumpster, pops open the lid and dives in.  Elle rolls the rock in her hand.  Smooth.

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