
Wishrider, Part 1

If you start to think about it, that’s when the god damn trouble begins. You start to scrape and pretty soon you see the weeds go deeper than you think, so you dig in earnest. Once you get in there with a shovel you see the root system is twice, maybe even three times bigger than you imagined.
Nod and make eye contact.
That’s when you turn the soil with that gas powered thing the neighbor lent you. Rends the dirt. Shit is flying everywhere. Still, it’s no good. The dirt is bad. Oil, probably. Contaminated long before you arrived. Deep fucked and unsalvageable, so you rent a backhoe and excavate. Exhume, really. Digging up the corpse just to throw it away.
Neutral face, like an icon, let them project whatever they want.
Just don’t get started, obviously. Thinking leads to digging and digging leads to going to the bedrock and it takes so damn long to get down there what is the point anyway and you can’t see a damn thing once you’ve gone that deep, forget about doing anything with that hole you dug. Forget about it.

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